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Increasing the Value of Your Home on a Small Budget
over 2 years ago
Increasing the Value of Your Home on a Small Budget

Making changes to your property not only improves your enjoyment of your property and your quality of life while you live there, but it also increases your home’s value and your chances of getting a better sale price.

Don’t feel dejected by the large-scale renovations going on across the street – focus on the small achievable things you can do in the short term and save the big stuff for later when your budget improves.  

All the Trimmings

In our consumer driven world, it’s rare to hit the shops these days and not find a bargain. Focus less on decorative items and more on fittings and fixtures that will freshen the detail of a room and can be left in place when the house is sold. A single tin of a discontinued paint colour could be all you need to paint a feature wall or repaint window frames. Curtain sets without their packaging, the last 2 units in stock of some heated towel rails, or maybe an interesting light fitting on sale can all make significant differences to a room, at a fraction of what you’d pay if you’d planned it and paid full price. 

Beauty is More Than Skin Deep

Many houses harbour great beauty below the surface and spending a Saturday peering under carpet edges and peeling back wallpaper can be quite rewarding. Floorboards are always a feature in a property listing so rip up that old carpet and investigate cheap ways to sand and polish. Removing just one tile, or a section of wallpaper to see what’s beneath it can be useful too – bathrooms, kitchens and laundries can be transformed by replacing existing wall coverings with something simpler and more modern. Cupboards and drawers can take on a whole new aesthetic by simply replacing the handles or painting over laminate with a more up-to-date shade then 70s orange. 

No More ‘Spare’ Room

One of the top ways to add value to your home is by creating a unique space that other homes in your area may not offer. Spare rooms are exciting opportunities for adding value without having to actually renovate. Some candles, a yoga mat and a few calming prints will instantly and quickly flip the junk room into an exercise space. As will a desk, lamp and a bookshelf as you add ‘home office’ to your list of features.

There are literally thousands more cheap ways to add value to your home. Be resourceful - websites like Pinterest are full of great ideas. ‘Free Your Stuff’ Facebook groups in your city have amazing finds on a daily basis, as do hard rubbish days in your area and the more upmarket suburbs. The smallest changes can make a big difference and you don’t have to complete a project all at once.